August 19, 2008

The Dog Days of Summer

The weather here has been nice for about a week and a half now...mild temperatures and no rain...but, still the "Dog Days" are upon us.

The local news media has done nothing in particular to distinguish itself and the national media has a pre-occupation with the Olympics in Beijing. I have not been following the games and find them to be overly commercialized. There is no where you can look in any of the venues that you're not smacked in the face by blatant commercialism. And this in a communist nation.

Sure, I realize someone has to pay the freight. But the number of spots and product placements is higher than I recall it in the past. I started to watch the opening ceremonies a week ago Friday night. But, then I turned it off when commercials started coming every five minutes.

Oh well, the games will be over this weekend...and then we can go back to watching bad television reruns. Gee, I can hardly wait.

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