August 02, 2009

Wannabe Critic at the Post-Dispatch

"The St. Louis Post-Dispatch" has a sports editor who wants to be a media critic. The paper already has a TV critic and a radio critic, but an editor named Dan Caesar has appointed himself the "sports media" critic. And it's fairly apparent the guy has never worked in the broadcast business. He is often off line in his criticism and has shown on occasion to not know what he is writing about.

But, his latest stunt is a real laugher. Caesar has started a campaign in his column to put former St. Louis football Cardinals head coach Jim Hannifan back in the play-by-play booth. Hannifan was informed earlier this year he would not be back to do color commentary on the broadcasts. He has been informative in the past, but he is a walking time bomb with his off color language and is an FCC fine waiting to happen. Thus the management at FM 101 which hires the broadcast crew has told Hannifan his services are no longer needed.

Caeser started his print campaign several months ago and he continues to "beat a dead horse". On Friday (the 31st) Caesar actually wrote Hannifan is still not back in the booth. He might as well have written the Sun will rise tomorrow morning.

Caesar please save the newspaper for news and legitimate criticism and not a campaign to restore the job of your drinking buddy.

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