January 02, 2010

Journalistic Abuse of Power

ESPN needs to do the right thing and get rid of Craig James as a football analyst. James took it upon himself to make a story out of his son's treatment at Texas Tech this week. James believed his son was treated poorly by head coach Mike Leach after the younger James complained the practice field was too bright. Leach reportedly responded by having the player placed in a dark room with two trainers while the rest of the team worked out.

Leach has since been fired by Texas Tech University for alleged abuse of players. That and the fact he was preparing a lawsuit against that institution of "higher education".

But, the bottom line is Craig James should have kept his mouth shut. Even if he thought his son was being mistreated or even abused, it wasn't his role to make a story of it. He should have passed along his information to a professional reporter who could have interviewed both sides before going to air with it.

This is not the first time ESPN has permitted this to happen. But, then again no one has ever accused the ABC owned outlet of being a journalistic stronghold. ESPN should stick to showing sports highlights and let the journalistic professionals report the news.

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