February 13, 2011

"Little Darling It's Been a Long Cold Lonely Winter"

Any true Beatles fan knows that line comes from the Abbey Road song "Here Comes the Sun". It has been a long and cold six weeks for the area. But, yesterday the temperature got to 50 degrees and today it made 63. Yes it is very welcome after the ice and snow of the last few weeks. Just to give you an idea of how nasty the ice was, I still have about an inch of ice on portions of my driveway and sidewalk even after the sun shone it today.

So to celebrate, I have four split fryers on the Weber Kettle and a nice Lagunitas Maximus IPA in my right hand. (Well, I have had to set it down to type). With warm weather, barbecue cooking on the grill and sipping a great beer...life is good!

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