February 01, 2011

Two Big Rich Beers I'd Been Wanting to Try

I was on my feet all day Sunday and was tired when I got home. But, not too tired to open a fine beer. I had a bottle of Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti in the fridge and decided it was a good night to sample it. I was not disappointed. WOW! As I poured it I could smell Oak, the rich malts and a little coffee. And when I tasted it, again WOW! The complex flavors of this Imperial went down really smooth. Sometimes when I get a big beer like this (9.5% ABV) I can taste the alcohol burn. But not so in this case. Oh did I say it's complex? I tasted chocolate and coffee in the beer and when I licked my lips I could also taste notes of Vanilla. Believe me the next one I get won't sit in my refrigerator very long.

So, as I write this I am tasting a Southern Tier Oak Aged Un-Earthly IPA. As I poured it I could pick up notes of Peach and Orange. As I sipped it the Citrus hops were readily noticeable along with the Peach and what I think is Caramel. The Oak is not overwhelming but is evident and I think holds down the flavors of the hops. As my glass and the brew warm I can taste a slight alcohol burn. Bottom line; this is a very big hoppy beer that achieves what it sets out to accomplish. On this cold icy Winter night it fills the bill.

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