August 24, 2013

Apparently there is only one team of value in Major League Baseball

I must have missed the memo.  Why you ask?  Well, on each of the past two weekends the Boston Red Sox have been the featured team on nationally televised games.

Last week the MLB Network, Fox and ESPN teamed up to ram the Red Sox and New York Yankees down the rest of the nation's collective throat.  This week Fox and ESPN are again doing their very best to make us think the Red Sox are the only team of value in the Majors.  Why?  Fox and ESPN have both decided the Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers are the only games the entire nations cares to see.

In fairness to the Red Sox and Dodgers they are the best teams in each of their leagues.  And they are both playing great baseball.  (The same can not be said of the Yankees).

Once upon a time the Boston Nine were a bunch of lovable losers.  But no so any more.  So MLB Network, Fox and ESPN remember there are 30 teams in the Big Leagues and most of us could care less about the Boston Red Sox.

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