July 04, 2014

Happy Independence Day 2014!

I have frequently criticized the leadership of the nation I live in.  It is the United States of America.  I believe the polarization in the US House and Senate is as bad now as I have ever seen it.  I also believe despite good intents the President of this nation, Barack Obama is becoming a lame duck with two and a half years left in his second term.  And it seems at times as if the Supreme Court has thrown out common sense when interpreting the constitution.

Now having said that I am blessed to live in this nation.  It is still the richest and most powerful nation in the world.  But more importantly I am allowed to express myself and to criticize our leaders as I did in the first paragraph of this post.

Today marks the 238th birthday of the United States of America.  It is one of the longest running democracies in the world.  This has been accomplished through the sacrifice of thousands going back to the Revolution against the British to today with our troops deployed in Afghanistan and other Middle East hot-spots.  These brave men and women paid the ultimate price for our enduring freedom.  I have no way of expressing my gratitude to them and to those who have served in conflicts such as World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam.  Today I say thank you to all of our armed forces past and present.  Because of you I am able to live in what I truly believe is the greatest nation on Earth.

Happy Birthday America!  Long may you stand!

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