October 29, 2022

Game One = 4:34

Image property of MLB
Image owned by MLB
The first game of the 2022 World Series is behind us.  Philadelphia came from behind to beat Houston 6-5 in ten innings.

The time of the game, in case you didn't look at the headline was four hours and 34 minutes.  Yes, 274 minutes long.  It started just after seven p.m. where I live and didn't end until after 11:30 p.m.  That means 12:30 a.m. along the east coast of the US.  I wonder how many kids fell asleep or had to go to bed before it ended.  MLB you really need to be cultivating those young fans because your future is not bright.

For the record there were 23 strikeouts and nine walks in the game.  That means there was no action on the field outside of the pitcher and catcher where fans watching at the field and on TV waited for the ball to be put into play.  And to add to the boredom there were eleven pitching changes when fans sat around waiting for the game to resume.  Your fans are asleep MLB, but even with next year's planned rules changes to speed up the game you are in trouble.  Wake up!

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