August 12, 2007

Snooze Channel Five

The local NBC affiliate claims to be the "news leader for Saint Louis".

If you believe that you are a bigger fool than Barry Bonds. Is that why it lead it's Friday night newscast with the closing of a river bridge 70 miles away that impacts only a relatively small portion of it's audience? The biggest story in the area was a severe power outage in the Central West End of the city.

Sure, the bridge closure was relevant and deserved to be covered. But, it obviously was not the lead story. The reason the children running the newsroom at this idiot station made that decision was to jump on the I-35W collapse frenzy and tell their peers what a big story they have in their "backyard".

As I've said before local television news in Saint Louis is an oxymoron, and KSDK is the worst of those stations that have a "news" department.

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