October 29, 2008

Random thoughts on the World Series

It's been an interesting World Series to this point. The Rays and Phillies are both fun teams. I have enjoyed what I have been able to see of it. But Major League Baseball (MLB), as I have written before, has sold it's soul to the devil (Fox Sports). Otherwise, I and many, many millions of others could have stayed awake to see a great game three last Saturday night. I finally turned it off at midnight. Think about the poor fans in the Eastern time zone who had to sit up until almost two in the morning to see the finish.

The umpiring has been bad and so has the weather. Why is it that one guy can change the rules of a great game that has been played for years? Each umpire calling home plate is a little different. But, the rules book clearly defines a strike and a ball. So, why don't they all call it the same? And, it's not just the plate umpire. A horrible call was made at first base Saturday night and an even worse one made on Sunday night at third base. If these guys are the best baseball has...then it is hurting. As far as the weather Commissioner Bud Selig says they will stay in Philadelphia until Thanksgiving if needed. Gee, I wonder how that makes the Rays and their families feel? You can almost hear the execs in the NFL suite laughing from here.

Despite the poor management by Selig and his moron advisers, the game thrives. Just think how much more popular it would be if someone who knew what they were doing was actually calling the shots.

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