October 04, 2021

Another Bad Decision from MLB

MajorLeague Baseball (MLB) has done it again.

For the past several years the "At Bat" app, by MLB, has shown every single game for free on the final day of the season.  But, not this year.

With a red hot wild card race in the American League and the National League West division still undecided, MLB should have let its fans see the games without charge regardless of where they live.  But, no that was not the case.  In fact, MLB didn't show any of its 15 games free.  On a normal day the app has a free game of the day.  Sometimes they are good games like the Rays and Astros or Giants and Brewers.  And, sometimes they're crappy games like the Diamondbacks and Pirates or Orioles and Rockies.

My guess is TBS, which pays MLB a lot of money, didn't want any competition this particular day for its showing of the Yankees and Red Sox.  OK, fair enough.  But those were only two of the four teams competing for the last two wild card spots.  Seattle and Toronto were both in the race until the final day.

But it ultimately comes down to money.  And showing a team from the Bronx against a team from Bean Town would result in the highest rating and in the end the most revenue for TBS.

MLB you blew it again.

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