June 11, 2007

So Long Sopranos

Cut to black. That's how the final episode of the Sopranos came to a conclusion.

I did not particularly like the ending as I thought there would be some sort of closure for Tony Soprano and his "families". But, in the end scene the show's producers surprised us once again as they have for the past eight years.

I laughed at the way they took Tony's rival Phil Leotardo out of the show. First being shot in the head and then having his SUV roll over it. It doesn't sound humorous now as I re-read this sentence, but if you saw it for the dark humor, it was quite enjoyable.

I have set my Sunday night schedule around the program whenever it has been airing new episodes for the last several years, as it quickly became a favorite.

So Long Sopranos. I will miss you.