March 16, 2007

Dong....Bing...Doh...Annoy Me

Those are the sounds coming out of my TV set as I try to watch the NCAA Basketball Tournament. I am not sure what idiot came up with this "brilliant" idea, but I have to tell you it is annoying as anything on television. Apparently, the network with an eye for it's logo, isn't aware that one of it's sound effects is exactly the same as Windows' System Critical Stop sound. Or else they are just so damn arrogant they don't care. The bottom line is it makes for bad TV and I can only watch it for so long before I turn off the sound or turn the channel. And this isn't new to CBS Sports, apparently some moron producer thought this up for NFL football and decided it was such a great idea he would carry it into the tournament. Hey CBS get a freakin' clue.

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